Release - Version hotfix 11.43
Profile Compatibility: Yes
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
[b]__________________________________ SERVER __________________________________[/b]
Fixed an issue where custom graphics weren't being added to exported profiles.
Profile Compatibility: Yes
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
[b]__________________________________ CLIENT/SERVER __________________________________[/b]
Added additional functionality to the File Manager (rename and delete files)
Open assets folder
Added ability to use 4 PoV hats with cardinal points.
-command: pov1n
(PoV Hat 1 North or Hat 1 up)
Added list of used Vjoy buttons to the button creation area.
All vJoy axis reset to center on server start
Stopped the anti-AFK from stopping if the client disconnects.
stopping the server will stop it running.
fixed the 12 hour time always showing am.
Fixed the space sim template to include commands.
Fixed the graphic preview being present on colors change screen.
[b]Space Sim Default Profile Changes:[/b]
Fixed reload button on FPS Panel being unbound.
Changed toggle helmet to the equip/unequip to belt instead of to hands.
Changed the default vjoy bindings under 10 to 40+ to prevent conflicts with SC defaults
Increased delay between equipping medpen to using it with the medpen button to make it
more consistent with SC lag.
Changed mark map to my location.
Added the default bound emotes to the comms panel.
Bound all the vJoy Axis to default axis un-used by SC.
added 2 macro presets to the power areas.
(max weapons and shields)
(max engines and shields)
[b]________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________[/b]
HOTFIX 11.33
Fixed an issue if old files were present when loading the new version
Fixed the inclided bindings profile to have all buttons bound.
Fixed android client not recieving pre-loaded commands.
Fixed server focus commands to window not saving unless autoconnect is checked/unchecked.
______________________________ANDROID CLIENT Hotfix_______________________________
Release hotfix 11.32
Added the pre-saved commands to android clients
version Release 11.31
Profile Compatibility: Partial
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
Fixed some issues with the Cinematics buttons when using saved cams.
Fixed the AFK main screen button not toggling in profile afk buttons.
Fixed errors in the shield face UI element commands.
Fixed adding new Cinematic Panels not working on custom profiles.
Fixed potential error with custom fonts saving.
Fixed error checking when moving default imagery.
Fixed Radar slider imagery colors being inverted.
Fixed an error caused when saving Carriage returns or '_' in profile names.
replaced with -
Fixed an issue that could corrupt profiles when deleting panels.
Added the ability to use joy buttons in the anti-AFK feature, may allow you to remain
afk with thee game alt-tabbed.
Removed add firewall rule from the server screen.
Changed the default Space Sim profile to meet new UI changes.
Removed Power Triangle element.
Completely changed the default space sim profile to closer resemble SC updates.
Added the ability to use joy buttons in the anti-AFK feature, some games allow you to
remain afk with the game alt-tabbed (eg, sc).
Added success and failure messages to the import and export section.
Added all used commands to saved commands list.
added the ability to save/recall commands in the button creation.
Added the ability to add imagery or text to panels.
Added the ability to duplicate existing panels.
Added a link on the main screen just above the patch notes to the manual page
with latest update videos (requires connection - opens on server)
Added several icons / graphics for use.
Added a SC-Bindings profile to make binding unbound buttons easier
Do this before using the space sim profile.
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
Fixed an error with vJoy not resetting axis on failed connections.
Moved the File manager button.
Added success and failure messages to the import and export section.
Removed add firewall rule from the server screen.
Added a link to the latest help videos.
Removed the small "hold" from the repeating radar backend.
added error messages for failed connections due to in-use ports instead of CTD
Added a link on the main screen just above the patch notes to the manual page
with latest update videos
Release - Version 8.49
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Added the ability to use Mouse Buttons for the Turrent Client - They will translate to vJoy buttons on the Client Side (press mouse to fire, alt account will press a vjoy button which you can bind to fire in Joystck/Hotas)
Significantly reduced the CPU usage for the server side of the Turret Client ~10% to ~0% :)
Release - Version 10.99
Hotfix 10.99
Fixed an issue where custom triangle icons weren't being accepted
Fixed the cinematic slide reverting the open button when being edited and a new
open button wasn't selected.
Changed the save cam turning green from 2 sec to 2.5 sec to account for lag in game
Fixed the default space sim profiles FPS Torch button not bound to T and transitioning
to emote panel
Changed the active images for shield faces and power triangles to be under the main image
*This allows for better custom triangle/shield face imagery.
Changed the windows icons to reflect the app instead of the default UI language
Added functionality for new multi character buttons:
See the in app help for details - When creating or editing an element
Down the bottom right is a purple button "Help"
Hotfix 10.95
Profile Compatibility: Yes
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
Fixed several missing default bindings from the default space sim profiles
NOTE: reload and save space sim / space sim classic to apply the changes
Fixed a an issue with saving not saving the vertical position of cinema slides on
custom panels
Fixed an issue when resaving cinema slides
Fixed an issue when saving and recalling rightfull vjoy slides
Fixed overlays not being on top of everything after loading
Fixed the default power triangle (on creation) buttons being backwards
Hotfix 10.93
Profile Comatibility: Yes
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
Fixed a crash if you pressed the buttons when modifying the cinematics buttons
Fixed an issue preventing the Star Citizen Specific options opening when connected
Fixed the FPS panel cinematics slide out being behind some buttons
Fixed the Font for Flight panel cinematics slide out
Changed the Space Sim classic cinematics slide out button types
Hotfix 10.91
Profile Comatibility:Yes
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
Fixed the cinematics panel not orbiting left when using key mode.
_______________________________________ CLIENT ______________________________________
Added the SC Joystick Bindings back, it is now located in the Game Select screen
under star citizen specific.
Added the ability to change the palette of all widgets from any color selection
Help Popput:
Changed the help popout to scale better on some devices.
Fixed the Gamepad not scaling properly on some devices on first open.
[b]NOTE: Space Sim profile will need to be resaved to apply changes ![/b]
Fixed a typp for cycle gimball on the flight 2 panel
Added Torch to the FPS Panel
FIxed the binding for Vtol
Fixed the binding for cycle config
Removed some legacy code creating unneeded empty folders
Release 10.81 - submittted
Profile Comatibility: No
Client Server Compatibility: 10+
_________________________________ SERVER and CLIENT __________________________________
Several UI enhancements
File manager added to the server:
There is a button to open the Export Folder and a button to open the Import Folder
Profiles can be imported and exported
Profiles include all imagery within the packaged zip
Exporting Profiles:
Using the select file button under OPEN EXPORT FOLDER,
A profile which has been synced from the client can be selected. You will then be
given a button to BUILD EXPORT ZIP.
Building the Export zip will creat a zip file in the EXPORT FOLDER which can be
shared with others.
Importing Profiles:
When importing a profile zip from someone, You can open the IMPORT FOLDER and drop
the zip file in.
Then press the select file and select which profile you wish to import.
Then run Sunc Profiles from the client File Manager
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
Now processes commands as macros.
Several backend improvements for responsiveness.
will now recognise button up and doown as seperate actions
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
Application Changes:
Space Sim and General Purpose sections:
These have been removed and replaced with Custom Screens.
Custom Screens are profiles which have been created and can be synced from the server
'space sim' and 'space sim classic' are now the defualt packaged profiles loading these
will prompt you to save a copy as a new name as the packaged profiles cannot be
A General Profile has been added as an example
NOTE: This can be overwritten and saved over, however suggest creating a new
profile from scatch for general purpose uses.
File Manager has been added:
File manager can be used to delete files and sync assets with the server.
Selecting a file will show a preview in the preview box except for profiles/palettes.
'Syncing Austom Assets' with ther server will first grab any files from the server
which do not exist on the client, then transfer profiles from the client back to the
NOTE: assets transferred to the client will not overwrite, however profiles
sent to the server will overwrite and update the files on the server.
Customising Panels:
When a new Custom Screens profile is created, initially it contains a single main panel.
from the main panel, in the top righ pressing the Gear Icon will place the panel in
edit mode.
When in edit mode, the overlay dims and a arrow in the top left will slide out the edit
features for the Panel.
Pressing the purple '? HELP ?' button will bring up a quick guide for buttons.
NOTE: closing the edit mode will save the profile.
Edit Features:
Snap: On/Off - Turns on snap to grid for moving elements.
Colors - allows changing the default tint of background and overlay elements.
Background - Allows changing the background
Overlay - Allows changing the overlay.
NOTE: when selecting the overlay it will be placed ontop of all elements
after selection or on load.
Add Element - Allows adding customisable elements to the panels
On the Main Paneil, the only option will be 'Panel button'.
Panel Buttons:
When adding a Panel Button. A blank panel is created, the Panel Button is
the link to that panel.
Naming the Panel button is important as it allows selection of a transition
screen when creating command buttons later on the newly created panel.
The Transition Screen option for the Main Screen Panel buttons is
different than above and only includes 'New' and 'Cinematics'. Selecting
new will create a new Panel shortcut, selecting Cinematics will create
a link to the bespoke Cinematics Panel.
On 'New Panels' there are the following options:
Button, Chat Widget, Cinema Slide, Power Triangle, Radar SLide, Salvage Slider
SCM Slider, Shield Faces, vJoy Pad, vJoy Slider.
Most of these elements are relatively self explanatory however there are some
things of ntoe.
Button - These options are covered in the '? HELP ?' section (purple button)
Cinema Slide - Creates a popput to the Cinema Slide bottom buttons.
vJoy Elements - The 'Sticky/Auto Reset' option changes vJoy elements from auto
centering (autoo reset) or remaining at the last value (sticky)
Chat Widget - Activate button is which button is used to begin typing
(enter by default), Send button is used to send the message (enter by default)
and close button is used if there is another button to close the chat window
(enter but not used by default) for eg Star Citizen consoole commands would be
Activate '~', Send 'enter', close '~'
When pressing the shortcut buttons ("Assign Message" by default) the message and
ascociated commands are attributed to that button.
Pressing a shortcut button will send whatever message was saved.
The "Send" button will send whatever is in the chat box.
On Connect go to:
This has been changed to a dropdown list of the main screens of all profiles on your device.
'space sim' and 'space sim classic' will not appear in the list
Customisable Elements:
All elements are now customisable for color/size/font/graphics etc
Resizing Windows Client:
When resizing the windows client on the main screen, the screen resolution will be shown.
This allows you to set the specific screen size of your mobile device before creating profiles
on the windows client.
HOTFIX - Version 9.96
_______________________________________ SERVER and CLIENT _______________________________________
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
Fixed a typo in the Twitch automated reply when lurking
Updated the EULA to include new features.
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
_______________________________________ SERVER and CLIENT _______________________________________
Fixed several issues with setting custom bindings for the Cinematics Panel.
Reworked network traffic for Cinematic panel communication ~ 70% reduction.
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
1. Fixed mouse 4 and 5 not working.
1.1 fixed mouse 4 and 5 not working for cinematics cams buttons
2. Fixed the Set Vjoy button not working.
3. preventing cameras from trying to run when they should be off. (transparent to user but was using resources)
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
1. Added the ability to spawn a transparent overlay for twitch chat
1.1 you can set it to always on top frameless (no adjust)
2. Provided feedback for granting users bits.
2.1 added an exception if the bits and or user was an invalid input
3. Fixed an issue when dpoing multiple vjoy buttons with delays or double tap
Release - Version 9.83
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
If you HAD previously calibrated your vJoy device, it will need calibrating again. You will also need to rebind the Axis in SC as the axis have changed.
Alternatively you can delete the registry entries in:
You can delete any entries that dont refer to your sticks if you have specific calibrations, if you don't have specific calibrations you can just delete them all.
If you HAD NOT previously calibrated your vJoy device, it should no longer be required.
JOY127 and JOY128 are hard bound to zoom in/out slider. Avoid using these.
JOY6 and JOY8 are bound to PTT by default but can be changed on the Comms Panel.
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!
_______________________________________ SERVER and CLIENT _______________________________________
2. Changed the checkboxes on the UI to be more visible.
_______________________________________ SERVER _______________________________________
0. Updated the main screen.
1. Added twitch integration
1.1 You can use the gear icon on the main screen to set the twitch API and client secret which is created in the twitch console online.
1.1.1 You can access this area easily but pressing the "TWITCH CONSOLE" button on the config screen.
1.1.2 Once your secret and appid are configured and saved, you can turn on "Twitch Connect" - This requires you to restart the server app. Once the server restarts, it will open a web browser and thank you for authenticating, this window can now be closed.
1.1.3 The Server main screen now also has a Force Commands to application option. This will attempt to find that application and send the commands to that window. The command may fire before the window is focused depending on your machine speed. but should prevent that command from being sent somewhere else.
1.2 Once configured you can access the "twitch Chat" button on the second screen to see and configure your commands and twitch monitoring.
1.2.1 Use the Gear icon next to the "Chat-ON/OFF" button to configure the twitch commands and monitoring.
1.3 On the twtich chat config screen, you can set up to 3 channels to monitor + Your own
1.3.0 **** Entering the channels and your username is case sensitive ****.
1.3.1 When users !Cheer in you channel, the bits the spend will be recorded in the "bitbank" The "bitbank" is recorded locally on your machine in the gametouch Save Folder in bitbank.log, This can be accessed easily by pressing the [open gametouch Save Folder] button on the server main screen. The main twitch files located in the gametouch Save folder are
[bitbank.log twitch_commands.ini, twitchchatconfig.ini, twitch.ini, twitchdetail.enc]
Copy these files to any PC you wish to transfer your twitch configuration to.
1.3.2 the High cost command blocking allows you to set a bitbank value and cooldown, If a chat member spends a lot on a command (over the value), it will prevent all other commands being processed until that cooldown expires.
1.3.3 You can set up to 50 commands with individual bitbank costs, cooldowns and responses.
***** There is no need to put a ! in the command box use jump, not !jump ***** The cooldown set when configuring individual commands will prevent that command from triggering again until the cooldown expires. the response format will be <User spent "XX" Bits to "Response"> there are 2 preset commands of !SCM and !miss. These will send a random value for the SCM slider and move the Cinematics Joystick (if configured) a random direction for 1 second.
1.3.4 You can enter any number of phrases and/or works in the notifications list, if they appear in chat in any channel you are monitoring, you will get a notification sound and the message will be highlighted. The notifications in the list are separated by a return.
1.3 Once you have configured your Chat information and channels you wish to monitor, you can hit back and turn "Chat-ON" to begin monitoring Twitch channels.
1.3.1 If COMMANDS-OFF then commands placed in your channel will not trigger, once COMMANDS is toggled on. !+"whatever commands you have configured" can trigger.
1.3.2 Chat can see a list of all commands you have configured using !gtccmdlist
1.3.3 Chat can see how many bits they have in the bitbank with !bitbank
1.4 All chat messages will be logged in an all messages and my messages file located in the Gametouch Save Folder.
2. The Joystick Calibration has been changed to prevent conflicts with other simultaneous vjoy devices. There should no longer be a need to calibrate the Vjoy on first install.
2.1 ***** If you had previously calibrated Vjoy, you will need to recalibrate *****
2.2 The default axis for the speed limiter (SCM slider) has changed, you will need to rebind it in Star Citizen. This was done to prevent star citizen setting the slider by default to Flight Movement - Roll
3. Fixed an error preventing the notification to start the server before attempting turret client setup.
4. Fixed Vjoy cameras not resetting when using mixed key and joy panning
_______________________________________ CLIENT _______________________________________
1. Added the ability to set automatic camera rotations on the Cinematics Panel to Random (Rand) completely random, random-no repeat (Norep) randomly from 1-9 without repeating, and linear (Line) goes from 1-9 .
1.1 changed the camera rotation time to a fixed 15 secs to make joining sequences easier.
1.2 changing automatic cameras on any slidout panel or the cinematics screen will update all panels
2. Updated the standard profile to accommodate some changes in Star Citizen.
3. Fixed the "emote 20" button from crashing the client.
4. Saving the Default profile (the one that loads on start) will now happen automatically when closing the config window. No need to hold profile button for 3 seconds.
Release - Version 9.3x
Hotfix 9.43
added a delete shaders cache button to the server main screen
Increased the time for temp folder leeway to 24 hrs
Hotfix 9.41
Fixed ui load error on slower machines
Hotfix 9.40
Previously, temp files were not removed if the system was shutdown without closing GTC. GTC server will now look for old temp files and remove them on launch.
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes - Auto-updates them from last version
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
auto ping will not work without the new server version
if profiles are older than last release they will not update automatically
Post-Release Hotfixes:
Fixed console window appearing on Windows release clients 9.33
Fixed immediate disconnects on windows clients 9.34
Fixed windows authentication infinitely repeating with auto-reconnect selected 9.35
Fixed allowing buttons to move on the flight 1 panel if you left the configuration open when leaving the custom panel 9.36
Fixed the single tap of the radar ping not holding for the required period under 3.20 control setup. 9.37
Fixed crashes when attempting to change the bindings of the 5 upper common buttons 9.38
Update to new Android API
Changed how the shield-face and power tringle buttons work, should provide increased accuracy.
changed some of the default buttons to only be setup for SC button which have key binds by default.
Added a 10 retry auto-reconnect before being booted to reconnect screen to help people with unstable home networks.
You can enable/disable this on the main GTc screen with the check box.
You will receive a message on screen when this occurs letting you know that you are reconnecting and which attempt /10
Added the ability to hold down the power triangle reset (center hexagon) for 3 seconds to maximise the power triangle.
you will hear 3 button sounds while holding before it expands, hold again to revert.
You can now make any button a clock by simply typing the button name as clock.
It will inherit the local time of your device.
Auto ping has been fixed to include a delayed hold and should be largely working as before.
Added s slide out "app" window, currently only has the afk "App".
you can start/stop the afk feature from here
default afk time is now 2:29:59
pop-out button will flash red while afk is active
Removed the "Coming Soon" Re-Fuelling panel
Added a custom panel
You can add buttons to the custom panel by pressing the configure button in top right. Then using the + button
Buttons should remember size when adding multiple buttons
To move them, hold down for half a second and you can drag.
Press the button once quickly to bring down the button config.
You can also add a radar to the custom panel (analogue sliders in future update).
resize sliders are available around the edges of the interface for height/width and font.
Saving the custom panel will also update the current default profile, you can, but don't have to, hold profile for 3 secs on main panel for custom panel changes to save.
custom panel changes are per profile you save.
if using an auto screen transition on buttons "CUS" will transition to the custom panel.
the underlay and overlay files for the custom panel are Underlay_Custom.png and Overlay_custom.png
Any profiles from the previous version should update to this version.
Fixed bug created in new android API for the vjoy stick inputs causing the client to crash.
Release - Version 8.45
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Compatibility Exceptions:
1. vJoy Re-calibration should only be required if you change devices using the new defaults.
2. Previous underlay/Overlay packages will need updating to include the common files to Apply common imagery instead of the bespoke files being identical for each panel.
Key Features:
Added GTc Service Beacons
This section allows you to create custom service beacons visible to anyone using GTc, it also allows you to accept service beacons and leave reviews for those providing services
Beacon types include Delivery, Crew, Refueling, Maintenance, Transport, Medical, Combat Escorts and Other/Custom.
When beacons are set to tracked, you will get a notification appear on any screen if they are changed and by whom (accepted, cancelled, enroute etc)
*typical process loop Player A Creates a becaon,
Player B registers as an online provider and checks for Available Beacons.
Player B accepts Player A's Beacon and sends a friend request to player A (either from inside same server or from main menu)
Player A accepts friend request Player B joins Player A's server (join friend) and changes statues to "Enroute"
Player B delivers the services and updates the Beacon to Deleivered
Player A sends Player B the funds.
Player A updates the Beacon to Complete and leaves a comment / review/5
**I am unsure how well this database function will scale as I am new to this type of thing, please report if you have any issues.
Added a Turret Blade Client function:
This allows you to pass 2 joystick commands from one PC to another running the GTc Server The effect is essentially to press your trigger on your main joystick and it will fire a vJoy button on the remote server. Effectively allowing you to use an ALT account in a turret and fire both your pilot and turret weapons with a single joystick button.
*Requires Manual conneciton settings entered on the main PC (the one your joystick is physically connected to) GTc Server Panel 2
**requires a second SC account and server running on another PC with vJoy Installed.
***I will be adding an option in the future for mouse/kb users to send mouse buttons 1/2 to the turret client also (this should be a server hotfix in the next couple weeks)
Additional Features:
Added an option to hear most button sounds through the server, a checkbox to mute this is on the server main panel
This can sometimes feel to sound delayed because the sound fires with the command which is on button release, not button press.
The Client side sounds are fired on button press locally on the client.
When loading a new version for the first time, your previous 'default' profile will be saved as 'default_old' and the new standard profile will be loaded.
This will hopefully alleviate alot of issues for people using the standard profile if they have not updated in a while.
Authentication of windows clients will now last 1 week.
Changed how overlays are created
There is now an Overlay_Common.png and Underlay_Common.png checked in the underlay/overlay packages you create- This will be applied to all screens that you haven't given a specific image.
The new Service Beacon panels have had underlay/overlay file checks added also. The specific files required for Overlays/Underlays can be found on the GTc website in the manual, or in the downloads for the templates.
The flight 2 panel ship icon is now part of the default overlay package, you can create a custom overlay for to replace this ship icon now, without having to try cover over the old icon.
Made the android clients force Fullscreen (should fix some people have a taskbar on android).
Changed the Auto-Ping button to do a single ping if the duration slider is set to 0 Seconds instead of do nothing. This also freed up the previous default Ping buttons
changed the default PING button on mining and salvage screens to Radar Tag "p"
changed cycle friendly targets on flight panel to port locking toggle
changed clear target on the flight panel to to cycle friendly
added request rescue to FPS Panel
added cycle gadgets to FPS Panel
added toggle Helmet to FPS Panel * default unbound in star citizen (recommend H)
Changed the vjoy installation to automatically set to device 4 with 128 buttons
When changing vjoy device on the server, there is now a set vjoy device button which will also run a command to remove the current vjoy and add a new one with 128 buttons.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a crash when trying to get files from the server which has none
Fixed the Underlay/Overlay for the Flight 2 Panel not working
Blank Buttons will no longer try and send an empty command to the server.
The Radar will only attempt to turn off when transitioning from a screen, if the radar is on.
The slider on the salvaging panel should now correctly default to 0% on start
Improved the ability for the server to handle multiple commands overlaps, this means you should also be able to use the device while transferring files.
*you still cannot queue multiple file transfer types.
Fixed the saving cam presets from inadvertanetly running the command twice, this could cause it to sometimes resave after you had already changes the camera back.
Beta - Version 7.25
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Power Triangle will not function correctly.
2. Possible issues with transferring profiles to and from the server.
3. AFK feature will not function correctly
1. The Star Citizen 'Profiles' drop-down has been re-designed and is now called File
1.1 To manage the Client files there is now a drop down to select which file type (overlay of profile) to delete
1.2 The current profile can be saved by typing a name into the input box and pressing save
1.3 The Get/Send Profiles/Overlays has been reworked, The file transfer protocol is really slow at the moment so the new UI will actually show you the raw data as it's traveling :).
1.3.1 Expect it to take a few minutes to transfer an Overlay Folder.
1.3.2 IMPORTANT - let file transfers finish before closing out of the file transfer or they will likely fail.
2. The main menu has an additional button for Overlays
2.1 Overlays allows you to import custom overlay and underlay packages to the Star Citizen profile
2.1.1 The 'Get Overlays' button on the new 'File' page will get overlay folders from the server.
2.1.2 Overlay folders are imported from the server folder C:\Users\'USER'\AppData\Roaming\GameTouchServer\Backgrounds_StarCitizen
2.1.3 A template folder is provided on the server, template files can be downloaded from the website downloads page.
2.2 Overlays/Underlays colors can be toggled between font color, box color and none from the Paulette window.
2.2.1 selecting none will mean images remain the same color.
2.2.2 selecting font or box color will make the images tinted with that color, so make any icons etc white if you wish to make them the same as your fonts/buttons.
3. You can now choose which 5 buttons you would like to use in the AFK screen and save them.
3.1 selecting no specific keys will default to w,a,s,d,space
4. Power triangle can now be toggled between 80% or 100% values for the outer edges
4.1 this is selected on the configure page of of flight panel 2 (combat flight panel)
Release - Version 7.45
hotfix 7.45
fixed mouse 4/5 not functioning correctly
hotfix 7.43
Fixed the auto-ping default button being set as 'down' instead of 'tab'
Any profiles that you had saved this way will also be changed to tab on the first load of this version
so if you intentionally had it set as down, you'll have to change it back but only once.
Fixed the disparate font size on 2 of the buttons on the Salvage Panel
Added a popout panel on the FPS Panel for emotes quick access.
these will replicate what you edit on the comms panel.
Server and Client
7.32 Server hotfix - fixed power triangle values not going to 100% when selecting the in between options.
Client and Server
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Compatibility Exceptions:
1. Power Triangle will not function correctly.
2. Possible issues with transferring profiles to and from the server.
3. AFK feature will not function correctly
4. Certain areas of the new buttons will appear corrupted until saved with correct data. - load the standard profile for ease of use.
1. The Star Citizen 'Profiles' dropdown has been re-designed and is now called File
1.1 To manage the Client files there is now a drop down to select which file type (overlay of profile) to delete
1.2 The current profile can be saved by typing a name into the input box and pressing save
1.3 The Get/Send Profiles/Overlays has been reworked, The file transfer protocol is really slow at the moment so the new UI will actually show you the raw data as it's travelling :).
1.3.1 Expect it to take a few minutes to transfer an Overlay Folder.
1.3.2 IMPORTANT - let file transfers finish before closing out of the file transfer or they will likely fail.
2. The main menu has an additional button for Overlays
2.1 Overlays allows you to import custom overlay and underlay packages to the Star Citizen profile
2.1.1 The 'Get Overlays' button on the new 'File' page will get overlay folders from the server.
2.1.2 Overlay folders are imported from the server folder C:\Users\'USER'\AppData\Roaming\GameTouchServer\Backgrounds_StarCitizen
2.1.3 A template folder is provided on the server, template files can be downloaded from the website downloads page.
2.2 Overlays/Underlays colors can be toggled between font color, box color and none from the Pallette window.
2.2.1 selecting none will mean images remain the same color.
2.2.2 selecting font or box colow will make the images tinted with that color, so make any icons etc white if you wish to make them the same as your fonts/buttons.
3. You can now choose which 5 buttons you would like to use in the AFK screen and save them.
3.1 selecting no specific keys will default to w,a,s,d,space
4. Power triangle can now be toggled between 80% or 100% values for the outer edges
4.1 this is selected on the configure page of of flight panel 2 (combat flight panel)
5. Added the Salvage Panel.
6. Added the ability to use mouse1-5 as keys inputs
6.1 enter mouse1 for left click, mouse2 for right click, mouse3 for middle, mouse4/mouse5 for additional
6.2 added mouse1-5 and up,down,left,right to the the key info list in the [?] dropdown when configuring keys.
6.3 added vjoy1-128 to the the key info list in the [?] dropdown when configuring keys.
6.3.1 change the amount of buttons (up to 128) that vjoy has in the "setup vjoy" (windows search)
7. Reworked the comms panel, there are now 20 buttons for emotes.
Release - Version 7.04
Server and Client
Client and Server
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Re-coded several areas of the cinematics panel to account for changes in 3.17.5 free-look modes.
Changing cameras without a Panning Preset should now automatically press free-look for you so you can continue controlling your character
Setting the Pan to continuous will prevent pressing the freelook for you.
Pressing reset will now work after having previously saved a camera
2. Changed the Get Joystick devices to pull data directly from the actionmaps.xml
This should now function as intended for easily swapping bindings across devices when they shift due to updates etc.
3. Fixed the button 0 on the Flight and Flight 2 panels not saving ("VTOL" and "cycle cub target" by default).
4. Fixed the icon on the main screen to reflect the Flight 2 panel instead of salvage coming soon.
5. Fixed some un-handled Exceptions when vjoy was not installed on the server or an incorrect device number was entered
Release - Version 6.77
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Fixed some niche Keyboard commands not being assigned correctly (printscreen - prtscr)
2. Added the Flight Combat Panel - Can be reached by assigning a button to transition to FLC on the button config
2.1 The Standard Config has been updated to include a shortcut button to the combat panel from the flight panel
2.2 Moved the radar configuration to the combat flight panel
2.3 Added the ability to assign any key or vJoy button to the power triangle
2.4 The Shield Face commands can be adjusted on the conbat flight panel.
3. Added the ability to customise the PTT and Radar buttons to any vJoy button and or key
3.1 The PTT buttons can be configured on the communications panel.
4. Fixed an issue where the AFK timer was not tracking the remaining times correctly.
5. Fixed a crash when trying to edit a button of screens 3-8 on the General Panels
6. Fixed the server mute audio for updates being inverted.
Hotfix Version 6.66/67
Server - Client Pending
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Fixed Camera modifiers not releasing if a panning update had not been don on first load.
Known Issue:
If you modify the Camera Modifier or Freelook buttons in the GTc Cinematics Panel, you need to toggle GTC Cinematic Freelook button on and off to apply it.
Version 6.65
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
AFK feature
Improved command handling
Several changes to update reporting and notifications.
You will now get a breif notification on the hour if your client is out of date, regardless of which screen or panel you have active.
You will receive an audible notification on the hour if the server is out of date.
Automatic screen transitions on connect will be disabled if the client/server is out of date.
Start minimized will be disabled it the server is out of date.
Improved version checking for those with the server set to start with windows.
Better handling of some command types
Connecting on Auto now has a more generous timeout.
Connecting on Auto will now populate the manual connection settings on successful connection.
This allows you to set the connection to manual for instant future connectivity if required.
The client will now remember if you have your connection set to manual or auto.
Global AFK timers
Setting and stopping AFK will now transfer the timings to all devices globally.
Ability to use vJoy buttons for standard GTc command buttons by entering joy# into the key input (joy11 - joy32) joy1-10 are reserved.
eg. joy11 will push vJoy button 11.
NOTE: using vJoy buttons 11-32 requires adding those buttons to the vJoy device. Windows search - Configure vjoy => number of buttons change to 32
IMPORTANT - Reminder for those using other languages for windows to set windows to English for the vJoy calibration until multi language support is in.
Known Issues.
1. Attempting to add an incorrect hex value to the color selection will crash the client.
Release - Version 6.62
Client - Windows
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Cinematic Panel - All features
Fixed a code loop that could occur when using the cinematic panel.
Fixed a Windows Client crash entering the FPS Panel
Added a Fullscreen toggle for windows clients.
Release - Version 6.46
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
Cinematic Panel - All features
Version 1 of The Cinematic Panel has been added.
Simulated or Actual Analogue inputs, each with persistent or set duration, for simultaneous control of:
Dolly in/out
Track left/right
Orbit Horizontal
Orbit up/down
Jib up/down
Zoom in/out
9 Saveable Camera/panning presets which can be bound to any camera or none
Panning controls activate able in real-time or on command.
Randomly select saved camera and panning presets to play at intervals.
Allow panning override or continue existing pans on camera change
Added a walk/run to the auto run
Still transmits state across all devices.
Automatically amends all existing presets on load to match the new save file schema.
Any server disconnections will cancel and panning inputs.
Made the Calibration Default to require the selection of your vjoy device to prevent accidental auto calibration of other devices.
IMPORTANT - Reminder for those using other languages for windows to set windows to English for the vJoy calibration until multi language support is in.
Known Issues.
1. Attempting to add an incorrect hex value to the color selection will crash the client.
RELEASE - Version 5.07
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Significantly reduced the time to load the initial home screen (~800%) by separating each module to load when requested.
1.1 Subsequent modules will take longer to load as their widget entities are done on command.
1.2 Once they have been loaded initially, they will remain loaded until the program is closed.
2. Updated the Standard profile to fix a couple of broken bindings on the Turret Panel.
1. Modified the "closed door" animation to indicate that things are loading.
2. Modified the next and back button graphics to better fit the UI design.
Bug Fixes:
1. Made improvements to handing of multiple rapid (spam) commands.
RELEASE - Version 5.02
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
1. Added a Auto connect on start to the Server, enabling this will automatically start the server on running the application.
2. Added a start minimized option to the server, this will start the server minimized.
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed an issue with automatically turning off auto-ping on transitioning, sometimes the auto off would interfere with the button from firing the command.
1.1 eg. leave seat would change screen but not leave seat.
RELEASE - Version 5.01
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: No
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
1. Previous Star Citizen profiles are not compatible with 4.5+
1.1 The standard and Default profiles should overwrite on first load to v4.50+, if this doesn't occur you can delete the standard and default profiles then restart the client to transfer the new format.
2. General Profiles should work.
0. Added the ability to scroll this Patch Notes screen.
1. Included the SCM Zero position for the UI to be saved and loaded with profiles.
2. Added an overlay which prevents accidentally clicking buttons when trying to do configuration.
3. You can now individually color buttons, setting the main palette will still set every button to the main palette color; so set this before individually coloring buttons.
4. Hold and Double Tap modifiers are now mutually exclusive.
5. Added the ability to select a favored screen to go to. This can be set on the Client Main screen and will automatically go to this screen when you connect.
6. Moved the loading of profiles to occur when the door transition is closed. This should prevent some odd UI behaviors when loading profiles.
7. Added the ability to select left/right modifiers for ctrl alt and shift in the star citizen panels.
8. Added an additional 50/50 vJoy Axis to the mining Panel.
9. Made the patch notes show the first time you update to a new version.
10. The Default and Standard profiles will automatically overwritten.
10.1 Previous profiles will not be compatible with this version, I apologise, I try to limit this occurring whenever possible.
11. Significant code re-write to allow additional buttons to be more readily added in the future.
12. Transitioning to a screen which does not have an Auto-Radar Ping will stop the radar ping.
13. Changed the axis on the Mining Panel to be seperate Vjoy axis from the Flight Panel to avoid interactions in ships like the prospector where flight controls function from the mining mode.
13.1 This requires you do re-do the vJoy calibration.
14. Complete overhaul to the mining Panel
14.1 Added Auto-Ping to the Mining Panel
14.2 Added a safety cover to the default Jettison Cargo button.
15. re-wrote the files transfer protocol to better handle file transfers.
15.1 Images and large profiles should no longer fail to transfer correctly on on occasion.
16. Using the link to update the server will now close the server before opening the browser (so you don forget to close it before updating).
17. Added outline for verison hint and information for better readability.
18. Added a hint for scrolling the patch notes text.
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed a bug where selecting HOM in the screen select would actually do previous screen for some screens
2. Fixed additional buttons that were hard coded to change to fps screen.
3. Fixed a crash that could occur if the server could not check versions from the internet.
4. Fixed a potential crash when transitioning from Star Citizen to Game Select screen.
5. Fixed a bug where stopping the Auto-Calibration, Closing and re-opening the windows could cause the continue and start calibration buttons being overlapped.
6. Fixed a bug preventing profiles transferring to the server correctly.
7. Fixed a potential crash when saving button names in the General Panels.
RELEASE - Version 4.13
Server Compatible with previous client versions: Yes
Exceptions - Nil
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
Exceptions - Nil
Fixed the Mining Panel bottom right button (Leave Seat by default ) being hard coded to return to FPS Panel.
RELEASE - Version 4.12
Server and Client
Server Compatible with previous client versions: Yes
Exceptions - Nil
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
Exceptions - Nil
Server and Client
Removed some no longer needed dependencies from the packages (size ~halved).
Client - Windows
Set the windows client to run full-screen by default.
RELEASE - Version 4.11
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Exceptions - General Panels
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
Exceptions - General Panels
Back-end functionality to support General Panels.
First implementation of the General Game Panels.
The Client may take longer to load than before, but the loading splash screen has been updated to persist for the duration.
Features - General Panels
1. Added back-end functionality to distinguish from left/right Ctrl, Alt Shift modifiers.
1.1 UI only supported in General Panels until next update.
2. Ability to set custom backgrounds on each General Panel.
2.1 Custom Backgrounds can be placed in the folder on the server and transferred to the client. Currently supported formats are PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF (Windows only for now)
2.1.0 The images can be transferred and deleted from the config page of the first general panel.
2.1.1 The images folder on the server can be opened on the config page of the first general panel.
3. 8 General Panels each has 12 buttons for a total of 96 per profile. - Social Panel (like comms SC Panel) in next update.
4. Each General Panel also has the function to take notes with a notepad accessed from the right hand edge of the screen.
RELEASE - Version 3.44
Server Compatible with older client versions Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
1. Added hold to set upper and lower values for SCM slider and 50/50 slider on the flight panel
1.1 Hold the triangle above the slider to set a value
1.2 Saved values are indicated by a <
1.3 These values are also saved with profiles
Bug Fixes.
Fixed a bug when using d-pad up with Joystick Gremlin.
Changed Full screen back to not-forced on android.
Added 100ms to the Auto-connect steps for people with slower Router response times.
Version Release 3.42
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
Added power triangle and auto-ping to the vehicles panel (globally toggled)
Better Windows client authentication
More Bindings to the 'Standard" profiles (for those who don't wish to do their own)
Holding [RESET] on the SCM slider will set the 0 point and graphics to where you have it currently set.
Removed support for iOS 12.5.5 - Apple has made in untenable to do testing for releases prior to iOS 13
Version Release 3.38
Hot Fix.
Disconnecting from the server will no longer crash the server if you haven't manually set a different vJoy device. - Actually this time.
Server will also check for updates periodically, so you can leave it on now also if you like and not miss updates.
Version Release 3.37
Hot Fix.
Disconnecting from the server will no longer crash the server.
Version Release 3.36
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
1. Server will now request all current release and beta versions and report to clients.
2. Added the ability to determine if the server is a Beta or Release, then check individual updates as required.
3. Added functionality to Authenticate a Windows client if an android or iOS client is already connected. After the windows client is connected, the iOS/Android client can be disconnected.
4. Back-end to support Client Features.
5. Simplified the connect button hint
6. Added functionality to select between different vJoy devices for those who are already using vJoy.
6.1 enter the vJoy device number in the input box on the Server main screen.
6.2 If you are not using a more complex vJoy setup, there no action required. It will default to device 1.
6.3 If you aren't using vJoy Device 1 for GameTouch Controller, when running the calibration, the client will prompt you to select your desired device before continuing.
1. Added functionality to distribute the power triangle setting to all connected clients.
2. Client version is checked when the client connects and is visible on the game select screen.
2.1 The client will also check for updates every hour while connected to the server.
4. Added functionality to Authenticate a Windows client if an android or iOS client is already connected. After the windows client is connected, the iOS/Android client can be disconnected.
4.1 When connecting a Windows Client, there is messages to describe success or failure to authenticate
5. Added the functionality so that toggling a button on a device will also toggle the buttons on every device. eg. radar toggle, PTT toggles.
6. Added Auto-Ping to the turret Panel
7. Added an Auto-Run button to the FPS Panel
7.1. Uses holding shift and W keys (globally toggled on all connected devices)
8. Added better management of checking for client updates.
8.1 The client will now ask the server to check for updates every hour whilst connected. (This is receive only from the server for the sole purpose of checking for an update it has no impact on the normal operation of the software, The server will then inform the clients on the LAN). This was done because clients were remaining connected for extended periods (several days) and the server was only checking on load. This has no effect on the clients remaining connected to the server, if the server has no internet access, it will just report that it could not check.
Version Release 3.29
Server Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Bug Fix
1. fixed vjoy auto cal not working.
Version Release 3.28
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Server and Client
1. Better handling of transferring large profile quantities.
1. Better indication of profile transfers.
Version Release 3.27
Server Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Bug Fixes
1. Made the creation of the save folder on load instead of on receipt of files, this will fix the crash if trying to load profiles from the client where the folder does not exist on the server.
Version Release 3.26
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Fixed the Global and Local Swapped buttons on the comms quick panel.
Removed the vJoy install button from the client side.
Added a button to open the folder location where profiles are stored
Version Release 3.24
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
1. Added a button to force finish the vJoy install if it hangs on completion. This process will happen automatically if the install has not finished after 30 seconds.
Version Release 3.23
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Bug Fixes
1. Numpad buttons will now work again.
Version Release 3.22
Server Compatible with clients version: 3.18+
Exceptions: Features Para 1
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
1. Clients can now send all Star Citizen profiles to the server for safe keeping or retrieval from another client on any platform. Accessed via the profiles button on the Star Citizen Main Panel.
1.1 Requires at least version 3.22 for both Server and Client.
1.2 Sending or receiving profiles of the same name will overwrite them.
1.3 if you wish to share your profiles with others:
1.3.1 Profiles are saved in \Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\GameTouchServer
Version Release 3.21
Client compatible with Server version: 3.19 or higher
Exceptions - Nil
Recommended Server Versions r3.20
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Bug Fixes
1. Attempting to configure Button V on the FPS Panel will no longer crash the client.
Version Release 3.20
Server Update Only
Client compatible with previous Server version: 3.20 or higher
Exceptions - Nil
Recommended Server Versions r3.20
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Publisher Certificate arrived, should no longer see a warning unsafe unknown publisher.
Version Release 3.19
Server Update Only
Client compatible with previous Server version: 3.18
Exceptions - Nil
Recommended Server Versions r3.19
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed a bug where moving the Auto-Ping timer too rapidly would cause the client to disconnect.
Version Release 3.18
Client compatible with previous Server version: No. - Expiry
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Partial
Initial Release !
BETA - Version 9.32
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes - Auto-updates them from last version
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
auto ping will not work without the new server version
if profiles are older than last release they will not update automatically
Update to new Android API
Changed how the shieldface and power tringle buttons work, should provide increased accuracy.
changed some of the default buttons to only be setup for SC button which have keybinds by default.
Added a 10 retry auto-reconnect before being booted to reconnect screen to help people with unstable home networks.
You can enable/disable this on the main GTc screen with the check box.
You will receive a message on screen when this occurs letting you know that you are reconnecting and which attempt /10
Added the ability to hold down the power triangle reset (center hexagon) for 3 seconds to maximise the power triangle.
you will hear 3 button sounds while holding before it expands, hold again to revert.
You can now make any button a clock by simply typing the button name as clock.
It will inhereit the local time of your device.
Auto ping has been fixed to include a delayed hold and should be largely working as before.
Added s slide out "app" window, currently only has the afk "App".
you can start/stop the afk feature from here
default afk time is now 2:29:59
pop-out button will flash red while afk is active
Removed the "Coming Soon" Re-Fueling panel
Added a custom panel
You can add buttons to the custom panel by pressing the configure button in top right. Then using the + button
Buttons should remember size when adding multiple buttons
To move them, hold down for half a second and you can drag.
Press the button once quickly to bring down the button config.
You can also add a radar to the custom panel (analogue sliders in future update).
resize sliders are available around the edges of the interface for height/width and font.
Saving the custom panel will also update the current default profile, you can, but don't have to, hold profile for 3 secs on main panel for custom panel changes to save.
custom panel changes are per profile you save.
if using an auto screen transition on buttons "CUS" will transition to the custom panel.
the underlay and overlay files for the custom panel are Underlay_Custom.png and Overlay_custom.png
Any profiles from the previous version should update to this version.
Fixed bug created in new android API for the vjoy stick inputs causing the client to crash.
changed the auto-ping to hold briefly in line with SC 3.20 update
BETA - Version 7.03
Server and Client
Client and Server
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Re-coded several areas of the cinematics panel to account for changes in 3.17.5 free-look modes.
Changing cameras without a Panning Preset should now automatically press free-look for you so you can continue controlling your character
Setting the Pan to continuous will prevent pressing the freelook for you.
Pressing reset will now work after having previously saved a camera
2. Changed the Get Joystick devices to pull data directly from the actionmaps.xml
This should now function as intended for easily swapping bindings across devices when they shift due to updates etc.
3. Fixed the button 0 on the Flight and Flight 2 panels not saving ("VTOL" and "cycle cub target" by default).
4. Fixed the icon on the main screen to reflect the Flight 2 panel instead of salvage coming soon.
BETA - Version 6.02
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
vJoy Re-calibration required: No
1. Significantly reduced the time to load the initial home screen (~800%) by separating each module to load when requested.
1.1 Subsequent modules will take longer to load as their widget entities are done on command.
1.2 Once they have been loaded initially, they will remain loaded until the program is closed.
2. Updated the Standard profile to fix a couple of broken bindings on the Turret Panel.
1. Modified the "closed door" animation to indicate that things are loading.
2. Modified the next and back button graphics to better fit the UI design.
Bug Fixes:
1. Made improvements to handing of multiple rapid (spam) commands.
BETA - Version 5.01
Server and Client
Server Compatible with older client versions: No
Client compatible with previous Profiles: No
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: No
1. Previous Star Citizen profiles are not compatible with 4.5+
1.1 The standard and Default profiles should overwrite on first load to v4.50+, if this doesn't occur you can delete the standard and default profiles then restart the client to transfer the new format.
2. General Profiles should work.
0. Added the ability to scroll this Patch Notes screen.
1. Included the SCM Zero position for the UI to be saved and loaded with profiles.
2. Added an overlay which prevents accidentally clicking buttons when trying to do configuration.
3. You can now individually color buttons, setting the main palette will still set every button to the main palette color; so set this before individually coloring buttons.
4. Hold and Double Tap modifiers are now mutually exclusive.
5. Added the ability to select a favored screen to go to. This can be set on the Client Main screen and will automatically go to this screen when you connect.
6. Moved the loading of profiles to occur when the door transition is closed. This should prevent some odd UI behaviors when loading profiles.
7. Added the ability to select left/right modifiers for ctrl alt and shift in the star citizen panels.
8. Added an additional 50/50 vJoy Axis to the mining Panel.
9. Made the patch notes show the first time you update to a new version.
10. The Default and Standard profiles will automatically overwritten.
10.1 Previous profiles will not be compatible with this version, I apologise, I try to limit this occurring whenever possible.
11. Significant code re-write to allow additional buttons to be more readily added in the future.
12. Transitioning to a screen which does not have an Auto-Radar Ping will stop the radar ping.
13. Changed the axis on the Mining Panel to be seperate Vjoy axis from the Flight Panel to avoid interactions in ships like the prospector where flight controls function from the mining mode.
13.1 This requires you do re-do the vJoy calibration.
14. Complete overhaul to the mining Panel
14.1 Added Auto-Ping to the Mining Panel
14.2 Added a safety cover to the default Jettison Cargo button.
15. re-wrote the files transfer protocol to better handle file transfers.
15.1 Images and large profiles should no longer fail to transfer correctly on on occasion.
16. Using the link to update the server will now close the server before opening the browser (so you don forget to close it before updating).
17. Added outline for verison hint and information for better readability.
18. Added a hint for scrolling the patch notes text.
Bug Fixes:
1. Fixed a bug where selecting HOM in the screen select would actually do previous screen for some screens
2. Fixed additional buttons that were hard coded to change to fps screen.
3. Fixed a crash that could occur if the server could not check versions from the internet.
4. Fixed a potential crash when transitioning from Star Citizen to Game Select screen.
5. Fixed a bug where stopping the Auto-Calibration, Closing and re-opening the windows could cause the continue and start calibration buttons being overlapped.
6. Fixed a bug preventing profiles transferring to the server correctly.
7. Fixed a potential crash when saving button names in the General Panels.
Version Closed Beta 3.43
Server Compatible with older client versions Yes
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: Yes
1. Added hold to set upper and lower values for SCM slider and 50/50 slider on the flight panel
1.1 Hold the triangle above the slider to set a value
1.2 Saved values are indicated by a <
1.3 These values are also saved with profiles
Version Closed Beta 3.42
Server and Client Update
Server Compatible with older client versions Yes
Exceptions: Windows Client Authentication
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous Server Versions: yes
Exceptions: Windows Client Authentication
3.36 Android/iOS Clients can authenticate 3.38 Windows
Windows Client and Server require matching versions
Server and Client
Better Windows client authentication.
Adding power triangle and auto-ping to the vehicles panel (globally toggled).
Better Windows client authentication.
More Bindings to the 'Standard" profile (for those who don't wish to do their own).
Holding [RESET] on the SCM slider will set the 0 point and graphics to where you have it currently set.
Added a authentication notice to the Game Select screen
Bug Fixes
Possible fix for devices on iOS 12.5.5 (iPad Air) working with community for a fix.
Version Closed Beta 3.34
Server and Client Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Client compatible with previous server versions: No
1. Back-end to support Client Features.
1. Improved process for authenticating Windows Clients
2. Added Auto-Ping to the turret Panel
3. Added an Auto-Run button to the FPS Panel
3.1 Uses holding shift and W keys (globally toggled on all connected devices)
4. Added better management of checking for client updates.
4.1 The client will now ask the server to check for updates every hour whilst connected.
5. Added some leeway to the Windows Authentication check.
Set FULLSCREEN = TRUE on Android Client (This provides slightly larger buttons may cause the corners to be clipped in the Star Citizen Interface, will keep/revert based on feedback)
Bug Fixes
1. Included the missing ini files to the Compiled windows client.
Version Closed Beta 3.33
Server and Client Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Will not authenticate a windows client.
Will not toggle switches or the Power Triangle across all devices
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Will not authenticate a windows client.
Will not toggle switches or the Power Triangle across all devices
Server and Client
1. Simplified the connect button hint
1. Server will now request all current release and beta versions and report to clients.
1. Added functionality to distribute the power triangle setting to all connected clients.
2. Client version is checked when the client connects and is visible on the game select screen.
2.1 The client will also check for updates every hour while connected to the server.
2. When connecting a Windows Client, there is now messages to describe success or failure to authenticate
Version Closed Beta 3.32
Server Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Older clients will not authenticate a windows client.
Bug Fixes.
1. Fixed all clients being recognised as a single client (this was causing errors in distributing profiles)
2. Added the ability to determine if the server is a Beta or Release, then check individual updates as required.
Version Closed Beta 3.31
Server and Client Update
Server Compatible with clients version 3.18+
Old Servers will not authenticate a windows client.
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Yes
Old Clients will no authenticate a windows client
1. Added functionality to Authenticate a Windows client if an android or iOS client is already connected. After the windows client is connected, the iOS/Android client can be disconnected.
1. Added functionality to Authenticate a Windows client if an android or iOS client is already connected. After the windows client is connected, the iOS/Android client can be disconnected.
2. Added the functionality so that toggling a button on a device will also toggle the buttons on every device.
2.1 eg. radar toggle, PTT toggles.
Version Open Beta 3.16
Client compatible with previous Server version: No.
Client compatible with previous Profiles: Partial
1. Modified the profile handling on load to make profiles compatible with newer versions, even if features are added to the configuration files.
2. Modified the server checking to account for versions differences being lower than the current version (It should no longer tell you an update is available for lower versions)
Bug Fixes.
1. Fixed a bug where moving from 0 secs on the autoping timer required 2 button presses to activate.
2. Fixed a bug where trying to initiate the Autoping function without changing from joy-key woudl crash the client connection.
Version Open Beta 3.12
Client compatible with previous Server version: No.
1. Added automatic version checking to the server, it should now tell you that your version is current or that there is an update with a button to the site link.
2. Added a timer adjustment to the automatic ping feature, in configure; you can now also select if you want it to be a joy button of keystroke.
1. Added a reference for where to download the server for the PC on the client app
1.1 Moved the evaluation timer to accommodate
2. Extended the hint duration for the power button and patch notes to fade away after 5 seconds instead of 3.
3. Added 6 buttons to the comms panel, useful for emotes etc.
1. Added app to the Amazon Store.
Version Beta 2.14
Client compatible with previous Server version: No.
1. Added a radar ping button to the bottom of the power triangle on the Flight Panel screen.
1.1 This button is bound to vjoy button 7 and will request the server repeatedly press ping at 4 second intervals until cancelled.
1. Increased the pressable area for the Star Citizen 5 common top buttons.
2. Updated the UI to match the updated GameTouch Controller logos
3. Moved the verison information to the bottom right of the main screen
Bug Fixes
1. The vJoy axis reset on starting Star Citizen causing the Z axiz to be all the way down
1. Added vJoy Axis resets to server disconnections and power off.
1.1 this should prevent the "axis is held down" issue in other applications if vjoy is bound as a primary controller.
Version Beta 2.13
Client compatible with previous Server version: Yes
Exceptions: vJoy errors (not installed).
1. Added PRV to the screen transition options. This will transition automatically to the previous screen that was active.
1.1 Changed the 'RECENTER' button on the standard profile to 'BACK' with the new feature.
Bug Fixes
1. Fixed an issue related to no longer installing vJoy automatically it will now prompt you if you try run calibration without it installed
1.1 this fixes the issue caused in 2.11 by trying to run server without vJoy installed (below)
unhandled exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 43, in <module> j = pyvjoy.VJoyDevice(1) File "pyvjoy\", line 24, in __init__ File "pyvjoy\", line 30, in vJoyEnabled pyvjoy.exceptions.vJoyNotEnabledException
Thanks to Noggin for the report.
Version Beta 2.11
RECOMMENDATIONS: Uninstall existing Server First.
Client compatible with previous Server version: Yes
Exceptions: Other 2
1. Changed the loading of profiles from application start to selecting Star Citizen
2. Added a reset to 0 for all vjoy inputs when loading the Star Citizen area. This may help those who dont use joysticks and who haven't run the Calibrate Joysticks feature.
2.1 The reset position hexagonal buttons within the panels will still reset to their respective reset values.
1. Extended the Evaluation Period to Cover Open Beta
2. Removed the automatic installation of vJoy, it should now be manually installed from either the button on the server main page or the calibration screen on the client.
3. Removed the Serial Number entry from the Server Install
Version Beta 2.06
Client compatible with previous Server version: Yes
Exceptions: Expiry
1. Extended the evaluation period for both server and client v2.06
Known Issues
If you have no joysticks connected and install vJoy it will bind automatic axis, If you don't do the calibration prior to launch you ship might automatically be in a roll.
Version Beta 2.05
Client compatible with previous Server version: Yes
Exceptions: Nil
1. Based on user feedback, changed the Virtual thumb stick UI components for panels which had them to now be an animated pop-out slide.
1.1 added 6 more buttons to each combat panel.
1.2 added a Push-to-Talk button to the COMSS and FPS Panels. These are Toggle buttons and are linked across the screens
Added automatic 'case' adjustment for key inputs. - Previously if you had capital letters in the 'KEY' input section for multi-character keys i.e. F1, F2, Backspace etc. the server would not recognise the commands.
Increased the speed of the door animations for a cleaner experience.
Added audio to button presses in Star Citizen Panels.
significantly lowered the volume of door animations.
Known Issues
Version Beta 2.03
Client compatible with previous Server version: Yes
Exceptions: Nil
1. Auto Connection. - More improvements to the Auto-connection feature.
Added automatic 'case' adjustment for key inputs. - Previously if you had capital letters in the 'KEY' input section for multi-character keys i.e. F1, F2, Backspace etc. the server would not recognise the commands.
Increased the speed of the door animations for a cleaner experience.
Added audio to button presses in Star Citizen Panels.
significantly lowered the volume of door animations.